One week down, three to go… After a few days of extreme jetlag, this has been an organising kind of week. Such as updating the look of this blog! I’ve also given notice that I’ll be vacating my current home in Cronulla in a couple of weeks. I move into my very modest apartment in […]
First week in…. is tough
New York marathon training has started in earnest: Saturday am – 5km slow run Saturday pm – 5km slow run Sunday am – 14km run on undulating hills Monday am – 5km slow run Tuesday am – 1 hour weight training Tuesday pm – 11km run with 2x 4km fast sections in the middle Wednesday […]
In triathlon the term “transition” is used to describe moving from one discipline to another, ie. from swimming to the bike or from the bike to the run. The transition can take a few minutes depending on how practised you are, but it is still included in your time at the end of the race. […]