Mum loved fishing. Whenever she had the time and the energy she could be found on one of the wharves in Davistown or Saratoga, spending an hour or two with a line in the water. She was modestly successful in catching fish, though I think she enjoyed it more for the peace and contemplation time […]
Eldridge Estate wine dinner
Back in the early 2000s while wandering around Victoria on one of my wine adventures, I visited Eldridge Estate near Red Hill on the Mornington Peninsula. At the time the cellar door was very rustic (a trestle table set up in the shed), but the setting amongst the vineyards was beautiful and the owners David […]
Weekend in Melbourne
After the happy finding of MoVida and checking into my hotel, it’s been a wonderfully social weekend. I went to East Brunswick to see Katie and Luke’s nice new digs and then we all went out for an early evening meal at a local Lebanese restaurant (I didn’t eat much). Then to North Melbourne to […]
Long weekend
This has been a holiday weekend in NSW, with today (Monday) being a public holiday. With the weather trying to turn towards summer this is traditionally a big “going out” weekend, and despite no previous plans it turned out that way for me too. I met up with new friend Kristen on Saturday evening, and […]
social pre-holiday week

Hello again, it’s been a while but the holiday season is almost upon me. Finally! I will certainly be blogging my upcoming holiday to Chile, Argentina and Uruguay (which starts on Wednesday!), but there is not too much to tell about the past few weeks… It’s all been buildup, really, which means anticipating the break […]
training wheels
Okay, so I’ve got a few things to re-learn about this blogging jag. Like posting with some kind of, y’know, regularity… It’s been a good couple of weeks with lots of socialising. Some highlights: – Getting a surprise lunchtime visit from ex-flatmate Mai and her partner Tim last Saturday. Catching up over fine tapas at […]