As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one reason to visit Lima at this time of year. It’s not the weather, for the sky is perpetually a misty grey and the temperature barely rises above 20 degrees. It isn’t the ambiance, as even in the wealthy enclave of Miraflores the clean and well-paved streets are […]
Banos and the Jungle

After a week in the Andes, Banos proved to be a lovely change of scenery. Our time in the Quilotoa Loop was great but I am a warm weather girl at heart and I relished being able to ditch my layers and breath in the balmier air of this town. We decided after much […]
How Do You Say Beautiful In Spanish?

The day we left the Black Sheep Inn we shared a minivan with four other travellers (Maria, Brian, Niall and Daphne) who had also been staying there. This time, as I was not half scared out of my wits like the on the hellish bus ride in, so I took a number of videos out […]
Black Sheep Inn

We knew from the beginning that hiking the legendary Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu was going to be one of the highlights of the year. The famous trail through the Andes is normally completed in four days and takes you through spectacular scenery and high mountain passes that reach up to 4200m above sea level, […]
Otavalo and Surrounds

Heading into our Galapagos adventure, we had lots of ideas on what to do and where to go afterwards – too many, really! Do we go to the coast for a while (and if so, where?), do we do the Quilotoa Loop and if so for how many days, and what about Cuenca and Banos […]