A sensational meal with Major Mat at Urbane, a top Brisbane restaurant that ranks in the top 30 nationwide according to Gourmet Traveller magazine. Below is the 5-course menu of the evening, with matched wines noted: Amuses bouches: Sweet corn soup, popcorn (frozen) Abalone, herb emulsion Salmon, juniper, chia seed Duck consomme, crispy duck tongue […]

I didn’t give much thought to Cusco before we went there. I knew it was the big city near Macchu Picchu, and that it has an airport and other transport links that make it easy to access that ancient wonder from the rest of the world. But I didn’t think much beyond that, which […]
Dining Out in Lima

As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one reason to visit Lima at this time of year. It’s not the weather, for the sky is perpetually a misty grey and the temperature barely rises above 20 degrees. It isn’t the ambiance, as even in the wealthy enclave of Miraflores the clean and well-paved streets are […]
The Fat Duck

It’s no secret that Damien and I are rather food obsessed. I mean, on our very first date he lured me in with his plans to go on a nine day foodie tour of hatted regional restaurants in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. When he asked me if I’d like to join him […]
Home away from home
We love Phnom Penh. There’s something about the energy of this city, its vibrant alive-ness that somehow walks both sides of the line between relaxed/carefree and anything goes/buzzing, that keeps us coming back. Even though our planned journey through Asia was severely interrupted, we still ensured we would have at least a couple of days […]
Eating Laotian food
Australia is fortunate that as a result of the large mix of cultures that call this land home, we have a wonderful diversity of food and ways of eating. As an avid lover of all things culinary I feel this is one of the great results of multiculturalism. I think that it is fair to […]