After a fitful night’s sleep I awoke to the voice of Erick outside our tent letting us know it was time to get up. The night before Erick had suggested that some of us may wish to start out a little earlier than the others, so we would all reach Dead Woman’s Pass around […]
Machu Pichu Day 1

We arose early on Day 1, at 3am to be precise. We both had only about two hours sleep due to a combination of going late to bed and having a group of revellers making a god awful racket in our hostel. We did not let it dampen our mood. After all, the day […]
En Camino Inca a Machu Pichu

Introduction: One of the questions we have been asked many times this year by the people we meet is, “what has been your favourite (insert variations along the lines of country, place, experience, moment etc..)”. It is a question we have loved spending idle time pondering ourselves. In fact, only about five days ago we […]

I didn’t give much thought to Cusco before we went there. I knew it was the big city near Macchu Picchu, and that it has an airport and other transport links that make it easy to access that ancient wonder from the rest of the world. But I didn’t think much beyond that, which […]

There are certain stories that you hear as a child that really capture your imagination. I confess to having been quite taken with the idea of the Arabian desert oasis. The thought of a palm fringed expanse of water surrounded by rolling hills of sand always fascinated me. Though in truth they seemed more […]